First of all, thank you for using this program and for donating users for this purpose (donating users is detailed in the program repository), which makes it possible to publish it in the app store!

- The application references third-party SDKs and also applies third-party terms, details of which can be found under the application website (, listed treaties

- This program is based on the BFBAN organization open api development of third-party mobile applications (refers to cell phones, tablets and other devices), the code is publicly available at, please make sure to download the application from the regular channels, and check the application hash value. The application does not violate the user's privacy information, does not upload any content that is not part of the program itself, and does not set up servers to relay or store user data. Translated with (free version)

- Members of the development program do not assume any legal responsibility,By checking the Agree text box below you are accepting that。